Friday, October 26, 2007

Rollin' Out the Red Carpet

Brayden Is Almost Here ... :)

Ok, I can't even begin to tell you how nervous I am about going through the whole birthing process. I mean we've taken the classes and read everything about what's going to happen, but nothing really prepares you, ya know. Guess we're about as ready as we'll ever be. :) We just can't wait for him to get here.

So I took some maternity pictures because I wanted to, one day, look back at my first pregnancy and revel in days past, but, I look at them now and realize that I simply loved to be pregnant. Am I weird or what?! .. lol. A big part of the reason why I feel that way is because Brandon made my pregnancy happy and fun. I didn't mind about the weight gain because he always told me that I was beautiful and that pregnancy "looked good" on me. :) It was yet another experience that he and I could add to the many that we have already had, but by far the most exciting and rewarding. None can compare.

Ahhh, my cute and sexy maternity pose. lol.
Here is a pic I took in Brandon's shirt while I was pregnant.

Here is a black and white pose. Black and whites are timeless and I love them. :)