Friday, February 15, 2008

I Found My Hands!!

So .... our baby is growing up right before our eyes!!! 3 months and counting. He's now found his hands you guys! He found his hands and looks at them in amazement. I mean I don't think I've ever seen ANYONE look at ANYTHING with such wonder and bewilderment in their eyes. He's on a mission to find out what exactly he's supposed to do with these things. lol. It's too funny to watch him. He is starting to look like a real little boy and not so newborny, ya know. (Is that or word or did I just make that up?) Ah yes, he's getting bigger, but I'm loving every bit of it. Here are some pics ...

Here are some pictures we took right after a bath. :) Showin' off those muscles already. lol

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Lunch with Amaya

This is one of my best friends, Melissa's daughter Amaya. Amaya's birthday is October 17th and Brayden's is November 9th. They're so close in age so I'm sure they'll be good friends as they get older. Melissa, Amaya, Aranda, myself and Brayden met at Macaroni Grill to catch up and so our little ones could meet each other.

Well, as I'm sure most of you know, me and about 4 of my friends were pregnant at the same time. Yeah, it was crazy, but fun all the same. :) We shared pregnancy stories throughout the months and told each other our birthing experiences. It was so fun have other ladies to share this experience with. You can just imagine how all of our first year birthday parties are going to be .... a mad house!! ... :)

Miss Amaya sleeping. Awwww. Makes me want a girl. :)

Melissa holding Bradyen ... :)

Me, holding Amaya ... ;)