Monday, April 21, 2008

Brayden "Sean John" Simmons

Here are some pics Brayden took in his little Sean John outfit. It's so hard to get him to smile for the camera! He smiles AFTER the flash goes off. Although at any given time he FALLS out laughing when the camera is NOT on. What is that?! :) Oh but when we get a good one, it's definitely a big deal. :) Take care and enjoy!

Now why is he lookin' like that? lol. I have to tickle him to get him to smile!!

Hey cutie! You gonna smile for me?

There's that smile. :)

Monday, April 7, 2008

Hangin' with Mommy ...

So this weekend was pretty busy for Brayden and I. We had our monthly lunch with his fellow friends at Babe's Chicken in Carrollton. Seeing all of my friends and our children was definitley a good time.

From left to right -- Wendy and Jameson, myself and Brayden, Aranda (who just found out she is 2 months pregnant!!!!!), Melissa and Amaya, & Candice and Justice. Why is my child the only one not looking at the camera? Being all nosy .. lol. It is SO cool to see the little ones and to know that Brayden has little friends already. :)

This was also a big weekend because this was when Brayden ate his first foods! Green beans are the substance on his messy face. :) I think he's hoarding some in his cheeks, too 'cause I don't think they are quite that rosy. :) He seemed to like the green beans though and to no one's surprise, he at the WHOLE THING! ... 2.5 ozs downed like it ain't nothin' ... :)

So he has this issue with his little friends in front of his bouncer these days. I mean seriously, he gets extremely upset with them, I think because they can't reach to put in his mouth. lol ...

Baby Tiger Woods is his name. :) Although, Tiger wouldn't get very far with his hat over his eyes. lol. We were on our way to church and I saw that he had his hat pulled down, squirming, I'm sure wondering who turned the lights out. He was quite the Dapper Dan this Sunday though. :)

Oh yeah, and his fingers must be juicy or laced with chocolate or something because he LOVES to chew and gnaw on them! lol. I know these are signs of teething, but it sure looks funny when he goes to town on them. :)