Thursday, July 17, 2008

2008 Parks - Waters Family Reunion

Family reunions are really big on my Mom's side and this year was the 24th year held in Memphis, Tennessee. Brayden and I are pictured here standing in front of the Civil Rights Museum. Of course Brayden is being nosy lookin' all behind me, but we had a great time. We'll have to go back when he can really appreciate it. :)

Here we are again ... this time he's lookin' at the camera! yeah! :)

It was extremely hot and neither of us were feelin' it so I'm standing there fake smilin' and he's keepin' it real. lol.

Here are some pictures of Brayden and the family .

Here are some more of all of us having fun in the hotel. :)

..... and here is a picture of Papa See, Mama See and Brayden. They reside in Atlanta, Ga and are pillars in our family. We respect them to the utmost and they love them some Brayden. :)
I love this picture of the 3 of them.

We all look forward to seeing everyone in 2009 in San Antonio!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hangin' at my crib ...

I haven't shown you guys, but this is where Brayden has been living since his days in the basinette which only lasted about 3 months. :)

He really likes colors and toys that "do" something. He loves his mobile (gift from Erin .. good job girl!) The leaves and the animals move on it ... very cool.

Ohhhhh also ... we had to lower his bed last week because he is now able to pull up on anything ... including his crib. He pulls himself up lookin' all innocent, unbeknownst to him that he's about to topple over the edge. :) His depth perception is REALLY off. lol As with most babies I presume. lol. He's good now with it lowered, but it helped me realize how big he's getting!

He's smiling a lot more these days. He was a VERY serious baby, but now he's boucing and dancin' and smilin' and clappin'. He makes me want to cut a rug sometime. ha! Heyyyyy cutie!