Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween I - Ferocious Tiger

As you can see ...... Brayden was a FEROCIOUS TIGER for Halloween. :) He and his cousin JJ were both tigers. We went to Collin Creek Mall store to store with their pumpkin candy pails. Of course Brayden was oblivious to what was going on, but he thought it was pretty cool when we said "trick or treat"!!

Here are some more pics from the night. Oh, and who knew tigers liked chicken nuggets? ... lol

Watch out Hollywood! We were trick-or-treating in the mall and there was a lady in a portrait studio who thought these two had just the best kid costumes so she offered to do a free sitting with a free pic and enter them in their costume contest. :) Sooooo off Sherry and I went, getting their pictures made for Halloween. lol Are they not the CUTEST little tigers in the world. Be sure to go to this site and vote for them! :)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Before and After


Ok, so as you can see in past posts, I've started to get Brayden's hair braided ......... and the pic above is the reason why. lol. He has SO much hair it's ridiculous. Now really, what am I supposed to do with all of that. lol. I had just taken his hair down and Shadra was about to braid it so I thought I'd take some before and after pics so you can see him all 'fro'd out. lol

He's also been trying his "legs" at walking. lol. He'll walk with you holding his hand, but if you let go, it's all over with. lol. Down to the ground he goes. But he gets around enough to pull himself up on things and pull things down on him ... i.e. the pics above. Case in point. lol


Now that's more like it! lol. Getting his hair braided is no easy feat, but we get it done none the less. He's ok for about the first 15 minutes, then he gets into a fussy state. :) I really like his hair braided though, especially since everybody and their mama (literally), tells me not to cut it until after he turns one. lol. I do like this look on him so he might keep it jus' a little bit longer. :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Too Long ....

............ For TWO teeth. LOL. :) Well, we finally got around to getting a couple of teeth! :) At 9 months, little b got his first tooth!! Yeah!! Then at 10 months we could see another one. Here he is showin' them off. He has nerve enough to try and bite you from time to time ... I look at him like ... "seriously Brayden. Let's not get carried away ... :)" Cheeeeese!!