Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas 2008

Brayden's 2nd Christmas was so much fun! The holidays are really all about the kids so to watch him open presents and play was a real treat to see. He received SO many gifts from friends and family, but his favorite seems to be the drum set. You should see him BANG on that thing. :) Complete with family, gifts, tree, eggnog, a beautiful fire, and brownies for Santa, this Christmas was yet another special day. Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Scared of Santa?

On Christmas Eve my niece, Ebony, and I went to the mall to have Brayden and JJ's pictures taken with Santa. The line was really long, but we made it to the front and it was finally Brayden's turn.
I started to hand Brayden over to Santa so he could sit and have his picture taken like a big boy, but this child was not havin' it! He is TERRIFIED of Santa Clause! It was TOO funny ya'll. He kept making his body stiff so I couldn't sit him down ... oh it was a trip. lol I mean really, who is scared of Santa Clause? ha!
I kept saying "but Brayden, it's Santa" in my most loving, mommy-loves-you voice, but it was still a no-go so I ended up having to sit on Santa's couch and hold Brayden so he would take the picture. LOL!

Brayden's first trip to the North Pole was a memorable one indeed. :)