Saturday, August 29, 2009

The World's Greatest

Brandon is in the process of building an outdoor kitchen at his house and Brayden certainly had his part in helping out. As you can see, he had a mini version of his Dad's big wheel barrow. Very cute. The next project is building a sandbox. :)

You'll see pics of him at the park, playing in the garden and two videos at the bottom. I can't tell you how proud it makes me to see the relationship and bond they have developed in the last 2 years.

Soooo, I'm thoroughly convinced that Brayden has got to have, hands down, the greatest Dad in the world (next to mine). :) Thank you Brandon, for being such a great father to our son!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Simmons Side Cousins :)

Here is a picture of Brayden with 3 of his cousins. (Brandon's older brother, Damian's, children). They have a great time when they get together. :) Gotta love it! :)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Summer with Daddy

Hello All!!

As most of you know, Brayden spent the better part of the summer with his Dad in Austin. Brandon and Brayden had a great time and the proof is definitely in the pictures. Here are some photos from his time down south. :) These are INSIDE and in the next post you'll see the ones OUTSIDE ... where they spent plenty of time which is evident by my baby's tan. lol. :)

Enjoy ~