Saturday, September 26, 2009

Powder Storm

Do the pics say it all? lol. This is what I'm dealing with these days. lol

Ok, Brayden had just gotten out of the bathtub and we were getting ready for bed. I walk around the corner to find him having a ball with the baby powder. He was rubbing it in all nice and smooth on the ottoman. I surprisingly couldn't even get mad. lol. I grabbed the camera to get the shot, then looked at him and said, "time for bed baby."

Oh, the joys. ;)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Have You Seen Him?

So I'm sitting here on the couch thinking about my little man and wondering where the time has gone. It's only been two years and I already miss my little baby. He's getting to be such a big boy! My, how time flies, but I am so thankful to have a healthy son with so much personality. I'm truly blessed! Just look at these pics. Where did he go? ... :)