Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Last night brayden and I were saying his prayers and he says "God bless Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Papa, Popo, Nani ... (long pause) ... um, gabba gabba, muno, tutti, foofa, plex, lance rock, brobee, um .... that's it, Amen"! Yes, EVERYBODY in Yo Gabba Gabba land. ha! It took every inch of me not to bust out laughing. lol.

Gotta love 'em! :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Brayden has playdates with his friends and one of our favorite places to meet is Chuck E. Cheese, where a kid (and a parent) can be a kid!

Here a few pics of him shootin' hoops and playin' skeeball. He and I often battle it out on the skeeball board.

Time to go home ... which is always a task, but we eventually make it out ok. :)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Jordin's Birthday Bash

This was one of the most fun birthday parties! My friend Nichole has a daughter about 6 months younger than Brayden and her party had an American Idol theme. Complete with DJ, great food, kites, pinatas, etc, it was a great time. Nichole and I tease about Brayden being her son-in-law. Above is the grandmother-n-law. lol. It's too cute and the party was a great success. Here are a few pics. Happy Birthday Jordin!