Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!!

So this is Brayden's first holiday ... Thanksgiving!

We had so many things to be thankful for this
year, but to have our baby here for Thanksgiving was the best. While we were gathered around the Thanksgiving table in this picture, all I could keep thinking about is how blessed we are to have a healthy baby boy. This Thanksgiving was especially sentimental for obvious reasons, but anytime you add a new addition to the family it's an happy time for everyone. :)

Ok, so these are three of our favorite pictures of Brandon, myself and Brayden. We were watching him sleep on Thanksgiving and both thought this would be a GREAT picture so we took the pic, then we decided to get in it. I remember Brandon took the picture of me and Brayden first and said, "Oh yeah, I could get paid for that one," (really feelin himself, right? :) So then he hopped up to get one. lol. We laugh about that, but both came out gorgeous. We're both just looking at him in awe.

Look at how SMALL our son looks compared to his Dad. I can't even comprehend him ever being near as tall as Brandon. Seriously. lol. Well, I can't even see him with teeth so I'm going to experience a reality check soon enough, but dang I don't want my baby to grow up! ... :)

Daddy holding the B in the picture above. I love the pics of Brayden sleeping on Brandon's chest. Father and son pics are priceless.

Brayden eating Thanksgiving dinner below. Sorry baby, no turkey yet. 2 ozs seems to satisfy him just fine these days. :)

Alright, now this is one of Brandon's personal favorites and if you know Brandon, you know why. :) Yes, he is a proud Alpha (TCU Alumni). I'm sure B will follow in his father's footsteps. :)

A-Phiiiiiii!!!! ... :)

Look at my baby's one dimple in the picture below. lol. How funny!!

Cousin Latrece (Connie) holding the baby. ;) She lives in Atlanta, but was here in Dallas for Thanksgiving. She wanted to take him back with her. Miss Connie loves her some Brayden!

We had a great first Thanksgiving together. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Brayden's Big Day

Please allow me to introduce:
Brayden John Simmons
Born: November 9, 2007 @ 7:16PM
Size: 7lbs and 19 inches

Brayden was born @ Presbyterian Hospital of Plano to
Parents: Brandon and Jasmine

Ok, so I can only tell you that having a baby is definitely an experience that you can't really prepare for. There are no words to explain the excitement you feel while going through the birthing process, then the joy you feel when your baby finally arrives. It was wonderful! Both Brandon and I have experienced the greatest love we've ever known when Brayden came into this world. He's a healthy baby boy and we are SO thankful God has blessed us.

There is so much that a baby has to go through once they get here to make sure they are healthy. Test after test after test after test!!! Here is when Brayden was getting his hearing tested.

Brayden also had a really bad case of jaundice when he was born so he had to go back in the hospital for a few days. They had to give him, what they call, photolyte therapy and pump him full of fluids. It all gave us a pretty big scare, but Brandon was definitely the level headed one. I was a mess! Being a new Mom brings about all kinds of emotion. All is well now and our little one is doing just fine.

This is the doctor who delivered Brayden, Melinda J. Spooner.

What a proud Daddy!! This was right after he was born. He had to be minutes old! :)

This has got to be one of my favorite pics of Daddy and Brayden. Very cute!!

We are very proud parents!! I'm lookin' a lil' rough, but who doesn't have a "after labor" picture. I'm happy to have taken a picture like this.

Thank you to all who came out to say Congratulations!

On the way home from the hospital was really emotional for me and Brandon. I think it was so overwhelming that we are both now parents and a little life is now dependent on us for everything. A welcomed responsibility, but overwhelming all the same. We love this little boy so much!!! Well, the hospital didn't give us an instruction manual for B, so I guess we'll just have to wing it! :)