Brayden John Simmons
Born: November 9, 2007 @ 7:16PM
Size: 7lbs and 19 inches
Size: 7lbs and 19 inches
Brayden was born @ Presbyterian Hospital of Plano to
Parents: Brandon and Jasmine
Parents: Brandon and Jasmine

There is so much that a baby has to go through once they get here to make sure they are healthy. Test after test after test after test!!! Here is when Brayden was getting his hearing tested.

Brayden also had a really bad case of jaundice when he was born so he had to go back in the hospital for a few days. They had to give him, what they call, photolyte therapy and pump him full of fluids. It all gave us a pretty big scare, but Brandon was definitely the level headed one. I was a mess! Being a new Mom brings about all kinds of emotion. All is well now and our little one is doing just fine.
This is the doctor who delivered Brayden, Melinda J. Spooner.
What a proud Daddy!! This was right after he was born. He had to be minutes old! :)
This has got to be one of my favorite pics of Daddy and Brayden. Very cute!!
We are very proud parents!! I'm lookin' a lil' rough, but who doesn't have a "after labor" picture. I'm happy to have taken a picture like this.
Thank you to all who came out to say Congratulations!

On the way home from the hospital was really emotional for me and Brandon. I think it was so overwhelming that we are both now parents and a little life is now dependent on us for everything. A welcomed responsibility, but overwhelming all the same. We love this little boy so much!!! Well, the hospital didn't give us an instruction manual for B, so I guess we'll just have to wing it! :)

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