Monday, March 24, 2008

Hangin' with Daddy ...

Hangin' out with Daddy, Aunt Patrece and Cousin Regan looks like it's going one of Brayden's favorite pasttimes. :) Here are several pictures of all of them "hangin' out". Enjoy!

Patrece holding Brayden. :) She's such a good Auntie.

Awwww, Regan holding Brayden on the slide at the park. :)

In one of the pics above, you'll see Brayden with his new protectors, Sphinx and Pharaoh. Can you tell which one it is? Two of the most gorgeous black dogs you'd ever want to see. :)

Now look at Regan and Brayden in this picture. It's almost scary how much alike they look. :) Absolutely, TOO cute. ;)

Hey cutie pie! See he has a couple of little friends there with him.

We like to call this one .... "Grrrrr" ... :)

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