Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sittin' High ... Explorin' Low ...

Ok Everybody, brace yourself ...... Brayden is eating out of a ......


We put the chair together this weekend and sat him in it. He looked around and started playing with the toys. By the way, the toys seem to be more of a distraction than anything while trying to feed him, but they do keep him occupied while I'm getting his food together. Watching him eat out of his high chair like a big boy almost brought me to tears. I know ... I know ... I'll get over it. :)

See, he's trying to feed his dinner guests. :)

Speaking of feeding, I haven't found anything Brayden doesn't like. Gerber has also gotten quite creative with the baby food. They have Harvest Blend (food that smells like pumpkin), Garden Vegetables, Peach Cobbler, Banana Pudding ... I mean the list just goes on and on. I was impressed when looking through the 2nd foods for him to try. Ah and thanks to Melissa and Amaya, he now likes Cheerios ..... hmmmm. Thanks May! :) I know he's singing their praises.

Awwww, and yes, that is his first sippy cup. He hasn't quite gotten the hang of it, but he's definitely working on it. He's also holding his bottle pretty well. I'll try and get a pic of that soon. His grip is somethin' serious so I know he'll have it down in no time. :)


I understand this is the beginning .... lol

Here's my handsome one reaching for one of his toys as he does MANY THINGS, really ANYTHING these days. HA! Everything goes in his hand, then in his mouth. I'm constantly taking his hand off of something he has no business messing with ... lol ... oh like, let me see, remote controls, cell phones, DVR box, earrings, you name it. :) But you know what, he's exploring his world down there and that's ok with me. This is a fun stage and I love it!

Is this not CLASSIC or what?!! This is a PRIME example of what he's doing around the house these days. LOL. He scoots EVERYWHERE he wants to go and that sometimes means he ends up in places he shouldn't be like UNDER his EXERCAUSER! :) I saw him under there and was like, oh yeah, gotta get this one on camera. :) Again, this is a fun stage. He's just makin' his way. :)

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