Saturday, November 8, 2008

Go Brayden, It's Ya' Birthday!

Brayden turns ONE on 11/9/2008! We had his birthday party the day before at our house on a Saturday afternoon. (His Dad also gave him a party in Austin on 11/1. Lucky kid!) There were several of Brayden's friends and cousins there. :) We set up dozens of toys in his play room and turned on cartoons for the kiddos to watch. There was a bouncy house in the backyard right outside the playroom and you should have seen the children AND grown ups in that thing. :)

We played a few games with Brayden. My favorite being, "How much does Brayden weigh?" We passed Brayden around to each person in the room and they guessed his weight. He was .......... 21.6 lbs! :) Some people ought to be 'shame for a few of those guesses. lol! It was fun. I also created a time capsule for Brayden with many items from his first year that he can open when he is 16. Each person at the party wrote words of wisdom on a notecard which will also go in the capsule.

Brayden had a BALL! Here are pictures ... Enjoy!

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