Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Step It Up

Brayden is doing some really funny things these days. I think he's a natural comedian, but he's also one more smart little boy. In the pictures, you'll see a black chair that goes to his drum set. Well, he's learned that he can step on the chair to make him taller so he can reach the ice/water on the refrigerator, to give him a leg up to get on the couch, to put dishes in the sink, etc.

The only negative these days is that he is definitely approaching the terrible two's so he throws lil' mini fits when you take something away or he doesn't get his way, but we'll work our way through it. It's just a phase. :) To date, his great-grandmother has been keeping him during the day, but at 18 months (May 9th) he will begin going to day care. I think him being around other children more often will teach him about sharing, social skills, etc. (Oh goodness, I sound like my Mama .. lol)

He understands SO much guys! He knows to put his diaper in the trash (which means we're beginning potty training soon). He knows to put dishes in the sink. He knows to go get his toothbrush when I say "let's brush our teeth". When I say "arms up", he knows to put his arms in the air so we can get dressed. He says "juice" for ANY liquid in his cup. lol. When I say "put your cup on the table, he knows where to put the cup. Instead of "bye bye", he says "BYEEE!" and when it's time to go to bed, we both say "night night" and he waves to me before I crack his door. And the list goes on and on and on. :) He's coming along just fine. Enjoy the pictures!

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