Friday, June 12, 2009

Updates @ 19 Months

Brayden is such a smart little boy. He catches on to words and vocabulary when we don't think he's listening! I was watching a basketball game and got really excited and said "yes!" ... then Brayden looked at me and said "yes!". I was like ... wow! Gotta be careful what I say. lol

Also, as I'm sure you figured out, he's pretty used to taking pictures so he says "Cheese" when I pull out the camera. :) Check him out in the video below ... "Shheesse"!!

Let's take a look at a few words in Mr. Brayden's vocabulary. :)

Cheese - Shheesse

Hello - Lello

Holla - Lolla

Keys - Keish

Juice - Juishhh

Mama - Mama (he's says whenever he wants something)

Dada - Dada (woohoo)

Eat - Eat (3!)

No - No (4!)

Bye Bye - Bye, Bye, Byeee (5!)

Nasty - Nashty

Night Night - Nigh Nigh

To get down - Down

.... and some of his actions ....

Fist Bump - He puts his fist out to give you dap. (Thanks Daddy! .. :)

Hi Five - Been hi-fivin' for about a year now.

He puts his hands together when it's time to say grace or say our prayers before bed.

He looks up and to the right, then busts out laughin' - when he's being silly ....

He knows how to point to all of his main body parts ... yes ALL. lol

He LOVES to act like he's driving when we go to arcades or amusement parks. I don't have to spend a dime. As long as he's sitting in front of a steering wheel, he's GOOD! :)



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