Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween II - Dr. Simmons

This is Brayden's 2nd Halloween and as you can see, he went as a doctor ... Dr. Simmons that is. :) This year Brandon bought his Halloween costume and when I tried it on him he would NOT take it off. It was a major ordeal to get him out of it, but I eventually did. Maybe this means he'll be a doctor ... lol ... who knows, but I thought this was the cutest lil' outfit. Good job Daddy!! :)

Brayden went trick-or-treating with his cousins in Austin which you'll see pictures of below and boy is he getting the hang of it. I say "trick-or-treat", then, you give me candy ... hey this is pretty cool.

You'll also see him in pictures with his cousin JJ, the Pirate. It's so fun watching him learn and become more cognizant of what the holidays are all about. It's all great fun! Enjoy the pictures ....

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