Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Still Not Cool ... lol

Some of you may remember that last year, Brayden went to visit Santa for the very first time at Collin Creek Mall in Plano and, uh, he and Santa were not cool. He had a fit everytime I tried to sit him on the couch so I eventually ended up having to sit WITH him to get a picture. lol

Well, this year, Brayden spent the week of Christmas with Brandon and he took Brayden to visit the north pole. We figured hey, he's a little older so he should be getting used to the idea of Santa Clause, who he is, and being around him. Boy were we wrong. He is STILL not cool with Santa. lol. He did stand next to him by himself, but as you can see, Santa is having to LEAN in to get in the picture with Brayden. That's as close as he would get before running back over to his Dad. ha!

Brayden standing by himself was marked improvement though .... :)

Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

American Baby Contest

Back in the summer, I entered a few of Brayden's pictures in a contest called American Baby. I didn't think any more of it since I hadn't heard anything, but last night, there was a priority package on my doorstep sent from American Baby Contest and in it was a plaque with his picture framed next to a first place ribbon, a semi-finalist certificate and a check for $50.00!! They judge pictures that were submitted quarterly and he won FIRST PLACE BOYS for the month of August which also means that he is a semi-finalist for the grand prize of $2500.00!!

I can't tell you how proud and EXCITED I was! It was about 1AM when I opened the box, then I immediately sent Brandon an email telling him about what Brayden won. It just so happened that he was up and called back. We were like, "THIS IS SO COOL!!". What an awesome experience for both baby and parents especially since the contest is judged by a group of parents and not votes received on the internet. A group of people thumbed through dozens and dozens of pictures and chose our little boy for first place!! Awesome ...

Here is the link for where you can find him on the internet:
Woo!! Woo!! Get it Brayden!! :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gettin' Cut

Some of you know that Brayden got his first hair cut just after his first birthday in '08. He gets hair cuts mostly with his Dad in Austin and others with me with his "Uncle Charles" (Charles Smith) here ... :)

I'll tell you now, he is not the easiest to cut. lol. He gives Charles a hard time, but we manage to make it through okay. Here are a few pics from our trip to the barber shop. :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Me and My Daddy

Here are just a few pics of Daddy and son time. Brayden loves his Mommy, but he is truly a Daddy's baby .... and that's alright with me. I like the 1st pic of them getting ready to go "see Jesus" (as Brandon puts it to Brayden.) If I tell Brayden we're going to "see Jesus", he knows we're headed to the church house. :)