Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Still Not Cool ... lol

Some of you may remember that last year, Brayden went to visit Santa for the very first time at Collin Creek Mall in Plano and, uh, he and Santa were not cool. He had a fit everytime I tried to sit him on the couch so I eventually ended up having to sit WITH him to get a picture. lol

Well, this year, Brayden spent the week of Christmas with Brandon and he took Brayden to visit the north pole. We figured hey, he's a little older so he should be getting used to the idea of Santa Clause, who he is, and being around him. Boy were we wrong. He is STILL not cool with Santa. lol. He did stand next to him by himself, but as you can see, Santa is having to LEAN in to get in the picture with Brayden. That's as close as he would get before running back over to his Dad. ha!

Brayden standing by himself was marked improvement though .... :)

Merry Christmas!!

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