Thursday, July 22, 2010

Cousins, Cousins, and MORE Cousins

Hudspeth Family Reunion

In Austin, Texas, July 22 - July 25, 2010 we had our first family reunion on Brayden's Great- Grandmother, Lois Henderson Hightower's side (my mother's mother). My Grandma Lois passed away in 1982, but she had 5 children. My uncle's VT (Victor Thomas), Elroy Sr, Buford, Leslie and my mother Johnnie. There were close to 125 people in attendance (with around 35 children!) and when I tell you we all had a great time, you better believe it. :)

More than anything, we are proud to have started an annual tradition that will allow us to stay connected for years and years to come. The idea of family staying close-knit is especially important to us and will always be a part of Brayden.

Enjoy the pics!

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