Friday, December 28, 2007


We finally got around to taking some professional pictures!! When you have a baby it seems like you don't have time for much else, but the baby. Actually getting out and getting some things done is truly a chore, but we finally got to take pics and I think they came out really nice. The lady who took them is named Kelly Cassell and she has a small studio in her home. Our photos are also in the gallery on her website ... pretty cool. :) This black and white is my favorite picture of all of us.

So a few days before we went, I was reading Amaya's blog (Shawn and Melissa's daughter and there is a section where they are talking about when they went to take family pictures and Amaya pooped on Shawn during the shoot. So, I'm reading this like, my baby better not do that to me when we go. Lo and behold during the first session, Brayden pottied on both me and the photographer, Kelly! Can you say embarrasing?! ... lol. Thank goodness she has 3 boys so she understood, but embarrassing none the less. haha. He didn't get Brandon though! Ain't that nothin'! ... :)

Ok, now I know every parent thinks their child is just the cutest little person to grace the face of the Earth and believe me, I am no exception. :) I'm so proud and think he is the most handsome little man.

Brayden balls up his fists a lot, just like he is in this picture. Such a strong little fella. :)

Awww .. he looks so innocent to me in this picture. He looks like he could do no wrong. hmmm ... well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts. :)

I think this is probably my favorite of Brandon and Brayden. Brayden looks like he's looking up at the angels and you can see Brandon's hand holding his little head. awww .... *sigh*. I think I'm tearing up.

I liked this picture of us because I think you can really see the resemblance of both Brandon and myself in Brayden. Sometimes it's hard to see when we are separate, but to look at all 3 of us together, you can definitely see both our features in him.

I remember when I was looking down at him (in his hair) in this picture I was thinking, "If one more person calls my baby Puerto Rican it's going to be me and them!" ... lol. He has really straight hair so there were a few people who said that, but both parents are ALL black as you can see in the pic above. :) Funny ....

I have one word for the pic to the left .......... ROOTS! .. lol. j/k .. I think it's a great pic. Brandon's looking at Brayden like 'That's my boy'.

Both me and Brandon loved the artwork in this photo. That is his teeny tiny hand grabbing on to my finger. In all of Brayden's pictures his eyes are so intense. He looks like he's studying you or really trying to size you up. Awesome! We had a great time. :)

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Random Pics @ 2 Months

Here are some random pictures of Brayden in the first 2 months of his life. He's such a great baby with a warm spirit. You'll see some with his cousins, some of him sleeping, and several with Brandon. We're picture people so I always have a camera ready! ... ;)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Baby Santa

Brayden's First Christmas!!

Children bring so much fun and joy during holidays. Especially Christmas. It's truly a holiday for the kids. We couldn't stop talking about how we can't wait for Brayden to get older so we can see the look on his face when he opens his own gifts. This year Mommy did the opening. :) He's probably going to be really mad at us one day for putting him in this costume, but I couldn't resist. It was just too cute.

Ok, so I dressed up a little with him. Here are pictures of us in our Santa hats. :)

Mommy and Brayden with his gifts.

He had a stocking over the fireplace this year that said "Baby's First Christmas". (below) It was actually JJ's the year before. We decided as new additions are welcomed into the family, we would continue to use the same stocking and write the names of the babies and the year they were born on the back. I think Gary is next in line!! ... Where ya at nephew?! .. :)

Awwww, here is Brayden with his grandfather in Austin, Popo Simmons.

Below are pictures of him with Aunt Patrece, cousin Regan and Nani Simmons (grandmother).

Brayden and cousin Regan. (right) She is so inlove with her new cousin. Regan is Brandon's twin sister's (Patrece) daughter (Brandon's niece). I'm sure they will be close as Brayden gets older. She was very excited to meet him. :)

He's sitting in his bouncer Aunt Patrece got him for Christmas lookin' like he's made some new friends. lol

Brayden and his gifts from his 1st Christmas. Can you see his teeny tiny self on the floor there? I almost missed him. lol.

Here is a picture of our Christmas tree this year and pics of Brayden with Aunt Sherry, JJ and Grandma on Christmas morning.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

So Fresh and So Clean

Brayden's First Bath!!

Brayden's first bath was sort of a big event. lol. It didn't seem normal, but the whole family was gathered around the sink like it was some sort of ritual we undertook that signified that he was now a real .... um .... grown ... no not grown ... um ... a real baby that takes baths I guess??! I don't know, but we all sat around laughing and talking about my child as if he wasn't right in front of us. lol.

His cousin, my great-nephew JJ was in attendance. We're not quite sure what he thinks about this new little life around the house, but his big 'ol behind all of a sudden wants to be held like a baby all the time again. He's ONE! ... lol. I'm sure he'll get used to him soon enough and they'll be best buddies some day. :)

Brayden did really well, but he did not like the soap and water in his hair. Yeah, he didn't think that was cool at all. But the rest was fine. Even when a little water got in his eyes he was alright. No crying or anything! We have a tough little kid I tell ya! Gotta love him! ... :)

He also has this thing about laughing and giggling a lot when I put lotion on his hands or feet. It is the funniest thing. Children truly add joy and laughter to any home. Wouldn't trade it for the world. :)

I think dressing him was my favorite part of the whole ordeal. I love a clean, cute baby and now I have my own I can "dress up". lol. But seriously, clean babies have that baby 'scent' and I just love it. I bathed him, put lotion on, put his clothes on and brushed his hair, then layed him down and watched him go to sleep. Ahhh, now that might have been my favorite part!! ... ;) Sleep!!!

Friday, November 23, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!!

So this is Brayden's first holiday ... Thanksgiving!

We had so many things to be thankful for this
year, but to have our baby here for Thanksgiving was the best. While we were gathered around the Thanksgiving table in this picture, all I could keep thinking about is how blessed we are to have a healthy baby boy. This Thanksgiving was especially sentimental for obvious reasons, but anytime you add a new addition to the family it's an happy time for everyone. :)

Ok, so these are three of our favorite pictures of Brandon, myself and Brayden. We were watching him sleep on Thanksgiving and both thought this would be a GREAT picture so we took the pic, then we decided to get in it. I remember Brandon took the picture of me and Brayden first and said, "Oh yeah, I could get paid for that one," (really feelin himself, right? :) So then he hopped up to get one. lol. We laugh about that, but both came out gorgeous. We're both just looking at him in awe.

Look at how SMALL our son looks compared to his Dad. I can't even comprehend him ever being near as tall as Brandon. Seriously. lol. Well, I can't even see him with teeth so I'm going to experience a reality check soon enough, but dang I don't want my baby to grow up! ... :)

Daddy holding the B in the picture above. I love the pics of Brayden sleeping on Brandon's chest. Father and son pics are priceless.

Brayden eating Thanksgiving dinner below. Sorry baby, no turkey yet. 2 ozs seems to satisfy him just fine these days. :)

Alright, now this is one of Brandon's personal favorites and if you know Brandon, you know why. :) Yes, he is a proud Alpha (TCU Alumni). I'm sure B will follow in his father's footsteps. :)

A-Phiiiiiii!!!! ... :)

Look at my baby's one dimple in the picture below. lol. How funny!!

Cousin Latrece (Connie) holding the baby. ;) She lives in Atlanta, but was here in Dallas for Thanksgiving. She wanted to take him back with her. Miss Connie loves her some Brayden!

We had a great first Thanksgiving together. :)