Friday, December 28, 2007


We finally got around to taking some professional pictures!! When you have a baby it seems like you don't have time for much else, but the baby. Actually getting out and getting some things done is truly a chore, but we finally got to take pics and I think they came out really nice. The lady who took them is named Kelly Cassell and she has a small studio in her home. Our photos are also in the gallery on her website ... pretty cool. :) This black and white is my favorite picture of all of us.

So a few days before we went, I was reading Amaya's blog (Shawn and Melissa's daughter and there is a section where they are talking about when they went to take family pictures and Amaya pooped on Shawn during the shoot. So, I'm reading this like, my baby better not do that to me when we go. Lo and behold during the first session, Brayden pottied on both me and the photographer, Kelly! Can you say embarrasing?! ... lol. Thank goodness she has 3 boys so she understood, but embarrassing none the less. haha. He didn't get Brandon though! Ain't that nothin'! ... :)

Ok, now I know every parent thinks their child is just the cutest little person to grace the face of the Earth and believe me, I am no exception. :) I'm so proud and think he is the most handsome little man.

Brayden balls up his fists a lot, just like he is in this picture. Such a strong little fella. :)

Awww .. he looks so innocent to me in this picture. He looks like he could do no wrong. hmmm ... well, I'll enjoy it while it lasts. :)

I think this is probably my favorite of Brandon and Brayden. Brayden looks like he's looking up at the angels and you can see Brandon's hand holding his little head. awww .... *sigh*. I think I'm tearing up.

I liked this picture of us because I think you can really see the resemblance of both Brandon and myself in Brayden. Sometimes it's hard to see when we are separate, but to look at all 3 of us together, you can definitely see both our features in him.

I remember when I was looking down at him (in his hair) in this picture I was thinking, "If one more person calls my baby Puerto Rican it's going to be me and them!" ... lol. He has really straight hair so there were a few people who said that, but both parents are ALL black as you can see in the pic above. :) Funny ....

I have one word for the pic to the left .......... ROOTS! .. lol. j/k .. I think it's a great pic. Brandon's looking at Brayden like 'That's my boy'.

Both me and Brandon loved the artwork in this photo. That is his teeny tiny hand grabbing on to my finger. In all of Brayden's pictures his eyes are so intense. He looks like he's studying you or really trying to size you up. Awesome! We had a great time. :)

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