Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Baby Santa

Brayden's First Christmas!!

Children bring so much fun and joy during holidays. Especially Christmas. It's truly a holiday for the kids. We couldn't stop talking about how we can't wait for Brayden to get older so we can see the look on his face when he opens his own gifts. This year Mommy did the opening. :) He's probably going to be really mad at us one day for putting him in this costume, but I couldn't resist. It was just too cute.

Ok, so I dressed up a little with him. Here are pictures of us in our Santa hats. :)

Mommy and Brayden with his gifts.

He had a stocking over the fireplace this year that said "Baby's First Christmas". (below) It was actually JJ's the year before. We decided as new additions are welcomed into the family, we would continue to use the same stocking and write the names of the babies and the year they were born on the back. I think Gary is next in line!! ... Where ya at nephew?! .. :)

Awwww, here is Brayden with his grandfather in Austin, Popo Simmons.

Below are pictures of him with Aunt Patrece, cousin Regan and Nani Simmons (grandmother).

Brayden and cousin Regan. (right) She is so inlove with her new cousin. Regan is Brandon's twin sister's (Patrece) daughter (Brandon's niece). I'm sure they will be close as Brayden gets older. She was very excited to meet him. :)

He's sitting in his bouncer Aunt Patrece got him for Christmas lookin' like he's made some new friends. lol

Brayden and his gifts from his 1st Christmas. Can you see his teeny tiny self on the floor there? I almost missed him. lol.

Here is a picture of our Christmas tree this year and pics of Brayden with Aunt Sherry, JJ and Grandma on Christmas morning.

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