Saturday, December 15, 2007

So Fresh and So Clean

Brayden's First Bath!!

Brayden's first bath was sort of a big event. lol. It didn't seem normal, but the whole family was gathered around the sink like it was some sort of ritual we undertook that signified that he was now a real .... um .... grown ... no not grown ... um ... a real baby that takes baths I guess??! I don't know, but we all sat around laughing and talking about my child as if he wasn't right in front of us. lol.

His cousin, my great-nephew JJ was in attendance. We're not quite sure what he thinks about this new little life around the house, but his big 'ol behind all of a sudden wants to be held like a baby all the time again. He's ONE! ... lol. I'm sure he'll get used to him soon enough and they'll be best buddies some day. :)

Brayden did really well, but he did not like the soap and water in his hair. Yeah, he didn't think that was cool at all. But the rest was fine. Even when a little water got in his eyes he was alright. No crying or anything! We have a tough little kid I tell ya! Gotta love him! ... :)

He also has this thing about laughing and giggling a lot when I put lotion on his hands or feet. It is the funniest thing. Children truly add joy and laughter to any home. Wouldn't trade it for the world. :)

I think dressing him was my favorite part of the whole ordeal. I love a clean, cute baby and now I have my own I can "dress up". lol. But seriously, clean babies have that baby 'scent' and I just love it. I bathed him, put lotion on, put his clothes on and brushed his hair, then layed him down and watched him go to sleep. Ahhh, now that might have been my favorite part!! ... ;) Sleep!!!

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